Remember that you are not here by chance, no. Your life has a meaning beyond that of having to go to work at a job that deep down you know is not fulfilling.
You can get out of that hamster wheel and start living according to your own inner cycles and more intrinsic and personal needs.
When you live according to your own inner guidance, you live in tune with who you truly are. You know that you are doing what you are really designed to do. You are certain.
There is internal coherence that is reflected externally.
A few days ago we had a group experience at IKIGAI-COLLAGE where we worked on life-professional purpose and art. So much so that I am going to repeat it again this coming March 20th. It is a key date of change in the natural cycle that greatly helps in its manifestation.
Discovering your purpose is essential to your feeling of inner fulfillment. And of course yes, you also have a purpose. We all have it. Although this may evolve, you yourself planted a seed with potential before you were born, whether or not it sprouts will depend only on you, your internal commitment, your internal listening capacity, your knowledge about yourself and your the desire to serve others with your innate gifts.
If you still do not know what you are in this world for and you know that you are not expressing your greatest potential, I invite you to live the IKIGAI COLLAGE EXPERIENCE, an original experience where you will be able to discover your purpose and remember it every day thanks to the power of art.